Fact Sheet

ZEISS Digital Lenses

We spend several hours a day using our mobile digital devices – whether smartphone, tablet or netbook. That's certainly a lot of screen for our eyes to cope with – and nature did not make them for this type of vision. The result of this digitized world is tired, stinging eyes or neck strain. The eye constantly attempts to focus and compensate for the changing distances between near and far. If our eyes are overstressed, focused near vision becomes increasingly difficult and strenuous. This eye stress can be remedied by ZEISS Digital Lenses, specially developed for eyes subjected to the challenges posed by the increased use of digital devices. They help the eye to relax and therefore prevent rapid eye fatigue. At the same time, they ensure focused distance vision and are a genuine alternative that can be worn the whole day long.

What are ZEISS Digital Lenses?

ZEISS Digital Lenses were specially developed for the needs of an increasingly digitized world. They help counteract the first signs of fatigue that may occur with frequent use of displays or reading small screens. Mobile devices are frequently used at a distance of 30 centimeters from the eyes, while the standard reading distance for books is around 40 centimeters. The lenses have been tailored to these new visual requirements: the different movement of the eyes and the shorter reading distance have both been taken into account.

Who are ZEISS Digital Lenses suitable for?

The new lenses have been primarily developed for people who have been wearing single vision lenses or no glasses whatsoever until now, but are beginning to feel the first signs of fatigue such as irritated or tired eyes. They are targeted at people between the ages of 30 and 45. The level of wearer tolerance is very high. Optimal optical quality is guaranteed for distance vision and for near vision when using digital devices.

Are ZEISS Digital Lenses suitable for first-time eyeglass wearers?

The lenses were designed for all-round use all day long.

What benefits do they offer?

They support the work of the ciliary muscle which is responsible for focusing the lens of the eye for the near and distance ranges. The lenses feature a large, aberration-free distance zone and targeted support for near vision totaling between 0.5 and 1.25 diopters.

What is the difference between ZEISS Digital Lenses and Office Lenses from ZEISS?

ZEISS Digital Lenses are particularly suitable for people between the ages of 30 and 45 who still have good vision in the intermediate and near ranges, but who are experiencing an initial deterioration in their visual comfort – induced by the increased use of digital devices. ZEISS Office Lenses address the needs of the over-fifties who are already encountering their first problems in the intermediate and near ranges – the typical office distances. Unlike ZEISS Digital Lenses, these lenses are intended fro use as a second pair of glasses that are worn in certain situations.

What makes Digital Lenses different from standard progressive lenses?

The outstanding features of ZEISS Digital Lenses include their extremely large distance zone and the rapid transition to near vision. This means that it is easy for the eyes to switch between looking at distant objects and digital devices. An internal test has shown that wearers of ZEISS Digital Lenses experience four times fewer symptoms of fatigue than wearers of single vision lenses or non-eyeglass-wearers (source : ZEISS lens trials in Germany, 49 participants).